01 – Overview
Google: Yassan
Role: Director, Photographer, Animator
Search on Shorts told the story of Yassan, an artist from Tokyo who used GPS and Google Earth to write a special message to his girlfriend. I directed a small team to recreate Yassan’s incredible 6 month journey in a 4-day shoot.

02 – Process
I operated the drone and composited footage with motion moments using Google Earth Studio and After Effects. I compose shots with motion design in mind.

04 – Credits
Client: Google
EP: Sinéad O'Mara
Creative Leads: Nick Carbonara
Director/Animator: Ryan Chen
Director/Writers: Chris Bradford and Kyle Conerty
DP + Editor: Jen Sommer
Producers: Jon Campball and Daijiro Yamamoto
Sound Operator and Grip: Marshall Potter
Colorist: Ayumi Ashley, Mission Film and Design
Sound Mixing: Lime Studios